Monster Pancakes

Monsters have never been less scary.

Monster Pancakes photographed by The Eclectic Kitchen

Monster Pancakes photographed by The Eclectic Kitchen

These pancakes are a STAPLE in my house. Since my son was about 6 months old and I started some very simple baby led weaning, I began blending spinach, avocado and other nutrients into his pancakes. The idea wasn’t necessarily to hide the veggies, but make them easier to manage in the form of a pancake! Think of it as more nutrient bang for your buck. He is almost 2 and I still make these once a month in batches and keep them in the freezer for quick school morning breakfasts. You can even see my husband sneaking a few once in a while! I hope you enjoy these nutritious and protein filled pancakes as much as we do!!

Monster Pancakes 

Recipe By: Skylar Edberg in collaboration with The Eclectic Kitchen 

Prep Time: 5 minutes 

Cook Time: 10 minutes 

Yields: 20 mini pancakes or 10 medium 


½ cup whole milk, plus more if needed 

¼ avocado 

½ banana 

½ cup spinach leaves 

2 cups kodiak cake mix or gluten free pancake mix 

½ cup water

4 tablespoons unsalted butter 

Fresh raspberries and syrup for garnish 


Blend the milk, avocado, banana and spinach in a blender over high speed until smooth. Add the mixture to the pancake mix along with half of the water and stir until a smooth batter is formed. Add additional milk 2 tablespoons at a time if the mixture is too thick. 

In a non-stick skillet over medium/low heat,  melt one tablespoon of butter. Place ¼ cup of batter on the skillet and cook for about 3 minutes on each side until golden and cooked through. For mini pancakes use 2 tablespoons of batter and cook for about 2 minutes on each side. 

Top with mashed raspberries and maple syrup and serve! For little ones under two or three raspberries or fruit puree are sweet enough.